The surface of the Set «Sea Stones» consists of pebbles of different diameter and height. When walking interchangeably on soft and rough sea stones it increases the effectiveness of training through the alternating degree of influence. The complete immersion in the feeling of the «sea bottom» allows us to achieve not only physical, but also emotional pleasure. All the functions of the child's foot are improved.
The mix consists of: - «Soft Sea Stones» and «Rough Sea Stones» - the surface of the mat consists of stones of different diameter and height, covered with small bubbles. The surface of the module is working all the entire surface of the foot, improves blood circulation in the area of the foot and lower extremities, contributes to the prevention and treatment of the flat feet and the strengthening of the leg muscles, and the relief of the mat acts point-to-point on all foot receptors, which improves blood circulation in the lower extremities.
The relief of the massage surface at regular exercises relieve tiredness after intensive physical exertion of the working day.