
Development of gross motor skills

Many parents and teachers work on development of fine motor skills from very young age. However, you shouldn’t also forget about gross motor skills, i.e., motor skills, strengthening of muscles, and also movements control. 

And have you known, that if a child crawled badly in his babyhood, he may have difficulties with wrist motor skills in adulthood. 

Accordingly, all motor skills, inherited from childhood, are a kind of base for physical development in the future. That’s why, it’s necessary to work hard on development of gross motor skills with the help of different issues:

  1. Orthopedic mats “ORTHO PUZZLE” - you can make exercises, which develop not only motor activity, but also improve common condition of muscles, joints, and also form the correct foot arch, with the help of these mats. 
  2. Games at play-ground - a lot of motor activity skills will form during some period of time due to the great variety of tools for child’s activity. 

     Sections - if a child visits different sport sections, it will develop not only his motor skills and improve the condition of muscles, but also give him a good habit, which become and excellent way for development of willpower and presence of personal traits of character.

In order to understand in what age what kind of motor activities should be developed, it’s necessary to understand the stages of gross motor skills development, which depend only on physiological and age specialities of a child. For example, signs of control under your own body are the marks of the beginning of gross motor skills development. This happens in the first month of child’s life. You can distinguish this skill in how often is your baby relaxed after motor activity of arms and legs. A child begins to control his body better at the age of 6 months, it is seen in his wish to lay on his belly and reach out to the toy, relying on one hand. 

Many parents begin to worry about the condition of their baby if he doesn’t tumble, crawl, walk as well as other children of his age. But there is nothing serious or dangerous. Every child develops in his own rhythm. However, if you noticed some asymmetry in his body, that a child tries to do something, but he couldn’t, he avoids movements, when it’s necessary to hug himself (turn and take an object behind him), so there is a sign to visit a doctor.
2021-12-29 08:59